
Best free open world games on nintendo switch
Best free open world games on nintendo switch

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No wonder these are the best-selling racing games ever. Every game in the series boasts refined arcade handling, tricksy courses, a lovable cast of characters and a capricious cruel streak that can turn any race on its head. You can gather a few friends and play any Mario Kart game, right back to the 1992 Super Nintendo original, and be guaranteed a good time. Want to read more? See our full Burnout Paradise Remastered review and buy it now from Amazon. Watch on YouTube Just how good is Burnout Paradise on Switch? DF investigates. The visuals are absolutely spectacular, too. Horizon 5 doesn't introduce much that's new (beyond the excellent co-op mode, Horizon Tour) but refines everything that the previous game did, and has a much better campaign structure for sorting through the ridiculous amount of stuff to do. Horizon 5 - which also features in our lists of best Game Pass games and best Xbox Series X/S games - brings the formula to Mexico in another loving package that includes the sprawling campaign, knockabout multiplayer, moreish car collection and festival good vibes we expect from Horizon games. It started out as a spin-off from the Forza Motorsport circuit-racing series, but Forza Horizon has now become the main event: a beautiful, uplifting series of racing games for everyone set across huge, real-world-inspired maps. To break things up a bit, we've divided out list four sub-genres: open-world racing games that combine racing and exploration over a large map arcade racing games which are all about immediacy and fun, and less about realism motorsport games based on licensed real-world sports and sim racing games which concentrate on the authenticity of the driving experience. As usual, we're focusing on games that are easy to find and play on current hardware. Here we present our picks of the best racing games to play right now - mostly modern, because this is a genre that tends to improve with technology, but with a classic or two that has stood the test of time thrown in. Forza Horizon made driving games cool again, indie studios have resurrected the joys of the 90s-style arcade racer, the PC simulation racing scene is more competitive than it's ever been, and Codemasters has ridden a successful stint on the Formula One licence all the way to an incredible $1.2 billion acquisition by EA, which shows just how highly racing games are valued now. Happily for racing fans, things now look much better. Outside of a Mario Kart or a Gran Turismo, it seemed the days of the big-ticket racing game, and of the genre as an exciting mass-market draw, were over. About a decade ago, racing games seemed to be a genre on their way out - arcade racers like Blur and Split/Second weren't selling, great studios were closing and even mainstream series like Need for Speed were struggling to get the attention they once had.

Best free open world games on nintendo switch