Fix TTS looping when key is pressed and held Fix "reverse translate to" dropdown not being fully populated Add option to translate on whitelisted sites only (credit ) This will hopefully act as a hint to go and change "translate from" option from autodetect to a set language. Because source langage autodetect often makes funny choices and then people blame TransOver for incorrect/missing translations. Optionally show "translated from" language in a popup. The old one seems to be getting blocked more and more. Fix web components deprecation warnings. Changing options no longer requires to reload pages. Add "disable on this page" checkbox to type-and-translate popup. fix occasional exception showing up in dev tools

make "translate into" field look more like a required field remove youtube fix - it seems to be no longer required Fix hover menus closing unintentionally Show translated noun gender where applicable Works on Firefox (involved numerous cleanups) Fix chrome build (production webpack generates invalid UTF-8 build) Fix chrome build (production webpack generates invalid UTF-8 build) - this time for real Better usage tracking (to see how many people hit Google Translate API rate limit) Show error in the popup when google translate API rate limit is hit But keep the fallback to rate limited API in case it breaks again. Re-enable clients5 API (it magically started working again). Remove unnecessary required "tabs" permission. Fix double translation popup showing in certain scenarious Remember language options in "type and trasnlate" popup Fix translation popup sometimes not appearing Fix remember language in "type and translate" popup being scoped to a particular site Prevent Chrome page translation tool from translating popup (see thanks )

TransOver should be able to read any word on a page - "Your data. reverse translate: from your own language to the language of your choice Translate word (or text selection) from any language to the language of your choice by pointing or clicking at it. Hover, click or select to translate (with text-to-speech).